Thursday 10 October 2013


Now that I'm not working much, I've gone off Thursdays. Which is a shame since Thursday is the new Friday. But what does that make Friday? Apart from the old Friday. And people wonder why I have problems with modern society.

One Thursday I do still like is Thursday Next from the Jasper Fforde novels. It occurred to me recently, having read two of them, The Eyre Affair and Lost in a Good Book, that there might well be a third by now. So I checked. And there is a third. And a fourth. And a fifth. In fact there are seven!

Good to know I'm on the ball. I've been busy. Anyway, I'm definitely going to check out the new books as soon as I'm done with Sherlock Holmes and the other five books in my reading pile. I hope they are as good as the first two. Which I seem to have read quite some time ago...

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