Saturday 19 October 2013

Lost In Translation

I had a couple of films lined up to watch last night but wasn't in the mood for either of them. So I watched Lost In Translation again instead.

It is a real mood film. One of the best films to watch if you are in the right mood. And I was last night. Some parts made me laugh and others made me nearly cry. Which is an indicator that I wasn't feeling quite as bad as I thought... since I do cry at those scenes sometimes.

The brilliance of Lost In Translation is that the two main characters know they are lost. Everyone else is probably just as lost, but doesn't know it. And setting it in Tokyo was a master stroke. A city where even the most grounded Westerner feels out of place (I have been there).

Everything adds up to a clever way of looking at two very different people struggling with their lives. And seeing them makes you realise that struggling is normal. No-one has a perfect life. Things go wrong all the time. Life is a struggle. But you can always fall back on films like this when you need to.

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