Tuesday 22 December 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Wow! I have waited so long for another good Star Wars film and this is it at last.

I saw the original trilogy when they first came out. Star Wars in 1977 was the first film I remember going to see at the cinema. I saw the Special Edition in 1997 and was blown away to see it as an adult on the big screen again.

That was before the dark times; before the prequels.

But now the prequels have been defeated and cinema goers can look forward to the future again.

I won't be including any spoilers here because I worked hard to avoid them myself before seeing the film and know that many people haven't been able to see it yet.

So this isn't going to be a review, more an expression of relief that Star Wars is back and an offer of congratulations to everyone involved in making it.

The movie exactly captured the spirit of the original trilogy (which I re-watched back-to-back the day before seeing the new movie). Every detail looks right and I only had a couple of minor plot quibbles, which I will cover in a review later.

So. Woohoo. Star Wars.

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