Tuesday 22 December 2015

Jupiter Ascending

Every now and then a film comes along that reminds you that you can't predict a film's quality based on the sum of its parts. On paper Jupiter Ascending should be good. It is written, produced and directed by the Wachowski people; it has a cast that includes some of my favourite actors; and a stellar digital effects team.

But it is crap.

There are great space ships, great creatures, great all sorts of things. But as a whole it adds up to nothing. The story gives nothing. Makes you feel nothing. It is an entirely pointless film.

How did this film ever get completed? Surely at some point someone must have thought "Er, hang on guys, this is a bit shit isn't it?"

Is it a kind of Emperor's New Clothes situation? Where everyone knows they are making something rubbish but no-one dares to speak up. Surely the actors can't have read the script and thought "Oh, that sounds good". Surely they can't. Surely.

What... a... stinker!

It's almost worth a watch just to see how talented people can still go badly wrong. Just don't pay much for the privilege; we don't want to encourage them to waste more time on sequels...

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