Tuesday 22 December 2015

Robocop (remake)

I hate remakes. I avoid them as much as possible. Occasionally I might have a couple of drinks and stumble across one thinking "Surely it can't be so bad?"

And so it was with Robocop, the 2014 remake.

And like all the others it is bad. Really bad. Once again I feel like an idiot for even thinking it might not be bad. Why do I never learn? This is a shit film, avoid it and save yourself 2 hours.

Everything that made the original Robocop good is missing from this film. There is no dark humour, there is no light relief, there are very few decent characters.

Given the cast you would at least expect some decent scenes, but only Abbie Cornish as Murphy's wife and Gary Oldman as the doctor can produce anything worth watching. Everyone else, especially Samuel L Jackson and Michael Keaton, should be thoroughly ashamed of their pitiful portrayals.

What a monumental waste of time and money.

Note to self: never, ever, ever, watch a remake again !!!

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