Thursday 24 December 2015

Merry Christmas

It's been a strange year for me. I got myself into a good place mid-year and then totally fell apart again. Sometimes it is worrying when things seem to be going too well... because it usually means there is a fall coming. A quiet boring life sounds so good sometimes.

Christmas has been a hard time in recent years. Partly because Jo and I got together just before Christmas 2001, but mostly because four years after she died I still get cards addressed to both of us. You know, the ones you get from distant relatives that you never see... but your late mum once told about your wedding in a circular or something.

I guess I could find their addresses and tell them. Since I haven't sent anyone cards for years, I was hoping they would just stop coming to me too... but they haven't... yet.

In some ways, I think I secretly like getting them. It's a reminder that doesn't feel self-indulgent. A bit like my mum taking a holly wreath up to my dad's grave every Christmas.


I have friends coming round tomorrow. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.

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