Saturday 26 December 2015

Chappie (2015) review

There have been several good AI films out over the last few years. Chappie isn't one of them.

It does have a few good things going for it. The Chappie character himself is quite engaging and I found him quite compelling... a robot learning fast from his environment.

But the story is clunky at best. And what is Hugh Jackman doing here? His character is just... well... crap. Not that the other human characters are much better, his is just the worst.

So I watched through to the end, despite the clunky story. And then the end is just ridiculous. It didn't have to be. There were plenty of decent endings that could have finished it off OK. But no; they had to go with one of the dumbest conclusions of all time.

What a let-down.

This is an annoying film, because it could easily have been better. Whoever came up with that ending ruined the film. It was nearly OK. And yet I find myself feeling like the makers completely let themselves down, let their families down, and their friends, and their pets, and their friends pets, and their friends pets friends.

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