Saturday 26 December 2015

Ant Man (2015) review

I saw Ant Man at the cinema, back when I wasn't blogging much, and just got the disk for Christmas. Like all the best Marvel films it does lend itself to rewatching several times. Because it is funny and exciting, in its own ways.

Probably like many people who saw this film, I didn't know the character beforehand. I've read a lot of comics, but not seen much of him. I remember the name Hank Pym. But I recall him being referred to in the past tense mostly, or as someone who was off looking for something somewhere else.

But then I hadn't heard of The Guardians of the Galaxy either and that made a pretty damn good film.

All the news about Ant Man before the film was released seemed to be about how the writing was a mess because of changes to the team during development. But I didn't see any of that in the final film. It seems to hold together nicely to me. The tone is consistent throughout.

I liked the comedy elements. The action scenes were quite distinctive, since this is a character with pretty unique powers. And it was a nice touch tying in to The Avengers as they did.

Michael Douglas is great as the old Ant Man. Paul Rudd is great as the new Ant Man. Evangeline Lilly is going to be awesome as The Wasp in films to come.

The bad guy is whats-his-name from House Of Cards. Boo hiss. Yes, decent baddie.

Estranged wife and child; cop step-dad; comedy gold partners in almost victim-less crimes.

OK, so it doesn't stand up to a lot of analysis. But it is a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it. If this is the weakest film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe then that's only because the other films are so brilliant... (and it is better than at least The Incredible Hulk and Thor 2 in my opinion).

Chappie (2015) review

There have been several good AI films out over the last few years. Chappie isn't one of them.

It does have a few good things going for it. The Chappie character himself is quite engaging and I found him quite compelling... a robot learning fast from his environment.

But the story is clunky at best. And what is Hugh Jackman doing here? His character is just... well... crap. Not that the other human characters are much better, his is just the worst.

So I watched through to the end, despite the clunky story. And then the end is just ridiculous. It didn't have to be. There were plenty of decent endings that could have finished it off OK. But no; they had to go with one of the dumbest conclusions of all time.

What a let-down.

This is an annoying film, because it could easily have been better. Whoever came up with that ending ruined the film. It was nearly OK. And yet I find myself feeling like the makers completely let themselves down, let their families down, and their friends, and their pets, and their friends pets, and their friends pets friends.

Thursday 24 December 2015

Merry Christmas

It's been a strange year for me. I got myself into a good place mid-year and then totally fell apart again. Sometimes it is worrying when things seem to be going too well... because it usually means there is a fall coming. A quiet boring life sounds so good sometimes.

Christmas has been a hard time in recent years. Partly because Jo and I got together just before Christmas 2001, but mostly because four years after she died I still get cards addressed to both of us. You know, the ones you get from distant relatives that you never see... but your late mum once told about your wedding in a circular or something.

I guess I could find their addresses and tell them. Since I haven't sent anyone cards for years, I was hoping they would just stop coming to me too... but they haven't... yet.

In some ways, I think I secretly like getting them. It's a reminder that doesn't feel self-indulgent. A bit like my mum taking a holly wreath up to my dad's grave every Christmas.


I have friends coming round tomorrow. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.

Exit (2006) review

I was baffled by this Swedish film. Mads Mikkelsen's character is hard to fathom. And he's not very likeable. So when things start to go awry in his life the story has to carry you along; because Thomas isn't someone you find yourself rooting for.

And it does carry you, for a while.

But even though this is only a shortish film (100 mins) it lost me before the end. I really didn't care who had done what to who, for how much money, and who was going to win.

Of course I thought Thomas would probably win; but also that there might be a twist. Unfortunately the story just isn't compelling enough to make you care about the ending.

Rich people screwing each other over for a few million here and there, when they have billions, is just depressing... not entertaining or interesting.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Wow! I have waited so long for another good Star Wars film and this is it at last.

I saw the original trilogy when they first came out. Star Wars in 1977 was the first film I remember going to see at the cinema. I saw the Special Edition in 1997 and was blown away to see it as an adult on the big screen again.

That was before the dark times; before the prequels.

But now the prequels have been defeated and cinema goers can look forward to the future again.

I won't be including any spoilers here because I worked hard to avoid them myself before seeing the film and know that many people haven't been able to see it yet.

So this isn't going to be a review, more an expression of relief that Star Wars is back and an offer of congratulations to everyone involved in making it.

The movie exactly captured the spirit of the original trilogy (which I re-watched back-to-back the day before seeing the new movie). Every detail looks right and I only had a couple of minor plot quibbles, which I will cover in a review later.

So. Woohoo. Star Wars.

Jupiter Ascending

Every now and then a film comes along that reminds you that you can't predict a film's quality based on the sum of its parts. On paper Jupiter Ascending should be good. It is written, produced and directed by the Wachowski people; it has a cast that includes some of my favourite actors; and a stellar digital effects team.

But it is crap.

There are great space ships, great creatures, great all sorts of things. But as a whole it adds up to nothing. The story gives nothing. Makes you feel nothing. It is an entirely pointless film.

How did this film ever get completed? Surely at some point someone must have thought "Er, hang on guys, this is a bit shit isn't it?"

Is it a kind of Emperor's New Clothes situation? Where everyone knows they are making something rubbish but no-one dares to speak up. Surely the actors can't have read the script and thought "Oh, that sounds good". Surely they can't. Surely.

What... a... stinker!

It's almost worth a watch just to see how talented people can still go badly wrong. Just don't pay much for the privilege; we don't want to encourage them to waste more time on sequels...

Ragnarok - The Viking Apocalypse

This just didn't work for me. It was formulaic and just cliché after cliché. Which was a real shame because the beginning was very promising. Unfortunately the first scene isn't just a taster of things to come; instead it gives away the only "surprise" that the film has to offer.

There are decent performances from the cast, but the story is too weak to save.

Robocop (remake)

I hate remakes. I avoid them as much as possible. Occasionally I might have a couple of drinks and stumble across one thinking "Surely it can't be so bad?"

And so it was with Robocop, the 2014 remake.

And like all the others it is bad. Really bad. Once again I feel like an idiot for even thinking it might not be bad. Why do I never learn? This is a shit film, avoid it and save yourself 2 hours.

Everything that made the original Robocop good is missing from this film. There is no dark humour, there is no light relief, there are very few decent characters.

Given the cast you would at least expect some decent scenes, but only Abbie Cornish as Murphy's wife and Gary Oldman as the doctor can produce anything worth watching. Everyone else, especially Samuel L Jackson and Michael Keaton, should be thoroughly ashamed of their pitiful portrayals.

What a monumental waste of time and money.

Note to self: never, ever, ever, watch a remake again !!!

Sunday 13 December 2015

The Suspect

OK, this one definitely is a Korean film, set in Seoul. And it passes through the now world famous district of Gangnam several times.

It took me a while to figure out what was going on. The subtitles were a bit hard to read near the start so I probably missed a couple of key points.

But it doesn't take long to see that this is classic Korean action fare. Good guy tries to fight bad guys while being chased by the police and various spies or agents or something.

Just what I like.

Done well.

The hero is cool. Tough and yet slightly vulnerable, therefore fallible. The bad guy is hateful and you know he has to die. And many of the chasers are conflicted.

To mix things up a bit there are some complicated games and backstabbing going on too. Several people get wiped out or change sides. You have to keep on your toes.

And there are twists near the end which I certainly didn't see coming.

The ultimate end (after the bad guys are dealt with) is extremely sentimental. Even more so than The Man From Nowhere... which takes some doing.

All in all, very enjoyable. I think the Koreans just do this type of movie brilliantly.

Friday 11 December 2015

Netflix at last

OK, I finally did it.

I've been holding out against Netflix forever since I mostly watch films, not TV, and their film selection in the UK isn't nearly as good as other sources.

But... They... Have... Daredevil

So I was waiting for DD to come out on DVD.

But... Now... They... Have... Jessica Jones too!

That's it. As a Marvel fan there's no way I can wait any longer to see those shows. So I've gone for it. I'm now a Netflix customer.

While I'm here I'll probably have to watch House Of Cards too :)

The Maze Runner

I think this came out at about the same time as The Hunger Games and Divergent. So it is a shame that it got compared so unfavourably to those two films. But I guess that was inevitable - it's about young people struggling against a mostly unseen system in an apparently dystopian (future) society.

And I guess it probably is the third best of the three.

But it is still very good. I enjoyed it, anyway.

Young people; strange situation; things start to go wrong; lots of running around being chased by things; escape? not so sure, who's really in control? wait for film 2.

Pretty much the same plot as all the other YA films. So ultimately it's the details that you either buy into or don't. And the characters.

In the case of The Maze Runner I liked the characters and the details. So it worked for me.


This is an odd film that rocks all over the place with ideas about luck, intelligence, fate, mind-control and free will.

It could be overly philosophical, but isn't because it presents everything through the story of one girl and one boy.

She is "high frequency" and he is "low frequency". Which initially I thought was going to mean that she was very clever and he was very stupid. But actually that isn't the case... they are both geniuses... instead she is very lucky (the universe works hard to give her everything she wants) and he is very unlucky.

Amusingly, since they are both extremes, when they come close together they trigger some sort of interference event within one minute. So they are only allowed to meet for one minute every year. Which is sad because he really likes her. Even sadder though is that very high frequency people have no emotions. She is "like a machine" and only pretends to have feelings to try and fit in.

After all that it starts to get weird :)

I wont say what happens, but it is interesting.

In places the film did feel a bit clunky. The notion of people being a single frequency is a bit rubbish and smacks of an arts student trying to write something that sounds scientific. It probably does sound technical to other arts students... but not to anyone who has ever read anything about science.

But I am being a bit picky. I loved the idea of some people being ultra-lucky and others being the opposite... especially in the school with the blindfolded exams.

It's only a short film at 105 minutes, but well worth a look.