Monday 4 June 2018

Justice League

I am not really a DC fan and everyone I know who is said that Justice League was rubbish...

But I like to make my own mind up so I stuck it on my Cinema Paradiso list and it turned up on Friday.

You know what? I liked it. It wasn't awesome. But it wasn't bad either.

The best thing they did was keep Superman out of it for as long as possible. I don't remember how he died in whatever other film it was that preceded this one... Batman vs Superman (?) ... but it was painfully obvious that he was going to come back somehow ... and you know when he does that he is just going to batter the bad guy into the ground ... unless he has Kryptonite ... which this guy didn't ... because he obviously knew he didn't need to pack any since Superman was dead.

I had no idea who the bad guy was. But he was quite cool.

Batman was good in the role of ageing hero. Nearly worn out. Flash was decent value for comic effect. Wonder Woman was awesome (again) and so was Cyborg.

In fact I think Cyborg was my favourite.

The boxes weren't as good as the Infinity Stones in the MCU... and there were only 3 of them :)

It wasn't too long.

Sadly though, now that Superman is alive again, how are we going to get another decent film where he doesn't just overpower the baddie? Maybe he can go on a really long holiday to an alternate reality for some reason...

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