Thursday 28 June 2018

Ghost Wars

This show has to go down as "good start, bad finish".

After the first few episodes I was really enjoying it. It seemed like The Returned in some ways... just a lot less French. And it looked like it was going somewhere.

But as it progressed, it stopped going anywhere. The middle episodes just drifted. What was going on? Hardly anything. The only thing changing was whether Meat Loaf liked Roman or hated him... and that changed every 20 minutes.

I real turning point was when the Lambda boss arrived. Then it just got boring and predictable. By now it was trying to be Stranger Things 2.

When the bar owner started on the weird pregnancy I thought something important might happen. But it didn't. When the priest burned the live ghost pod people I thought the surviving one might become more powerful, or something. She didn't.

Nothing was happening. The ending just came and went. And I really don't care how Roman ended up with the amber rock thing at the end... when it was supposed to blow up and close death's door for good... without a single other person noticing that nothing blew up.

Sorry, but Ghost Wars disappoints all the more because it showed early potential.

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