Thursday 7 June 2018

Jupiter's Moon

Usually I eventually figure out what a film is about. Or I get bored and don't make it to the end. So Jupiter's Moon is unusual because I did watch it all the way to the end without understanding what was going on or why.

SPOILERS - sort of...

Firstly I don't see what this movie has to do with Jupiter or any of its moons. There is some text at the beginning speculating that there might be life on Europa. So what?

Then what was it about Aryan that made him change when he was shot? Was it even getting shot that changed him? It's never even clear what he can do... levitate, yes, but also rotate a whole room? Whilst not detaching it from the surrounding building?

Was he even really flying, or just making people think he was? I'm inclined to think the latter... because otherwise why didn't he just fly away from the bad guys instead of always just failing to escape by running away? Maybe he could only go straight up? Except he did traverse along above the pool didn't he?

The camera work is very mixed. Some of the shots are great - I loved the car chase with the low camera angle, that was very exciting, much better than the average. But many were just disorienting - most of the levitation shots just made me dizzy, was that deliberate? I wondered if it was supposed to convey something about the disorientation of Aryan or the amazement of the people seeing him... but in the end thought it was probably just the director playing about because he thought it was fun.

Doctor Stern was the doubting disciple who underwent a conversion. And some of the other characters kind of had biblical counterparts. But it was all very muddled. I must have felt something for some of them, otherwise I would not have watched it all. There was a clumsy exposition of "you are here to make people look up" ... and literal proof of that at the end ... which was just dumb.

At the end I thought for some time about it. Wondering if I had missed something important. Maybe I did. But I can't think what. Unfortunately it just left me cold and shrugging my shoulders.

Some stuff happens. The audience have to guess why. The End.

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