Thursday 11 January 2018

Legion - season 1 - part 2

At the half way point I was quite non-committal about Legion. I really wasn't sure if I liked it or not, because it was (intentionally) confusing.

So now that I have seen the whole of Season 1 (all 8 episodes) what do I think? Hmmm. I think. On balance. That I didn't like it that much.

Clearly it conveys David's confusion and the complexity of reality on multiple planes very well. But it is relentless and that becomes wearing.

It also has a very clear 60s styling, but that didn't feel at all authentic to me. I got the impression that it was more of a parody... "oh look at these funny outfits on people who don't know what the hell is going on".

When we do get some snippets of information, it is either speculative (between Emotional American David and Rational English David) or suddenly spouted as fact by the mad-scientist-with-asian-female-inside guy who flip-flops repeatedly between completely useless and able to manufacture a device to fix everything in less than 10 minutes.

By the end, all we seemed to have seen was "the parasite" moving from David to Oliver Not-Dead-Just-Frozen. That was all that happened, right?

Reading online it is clear that David is the son of someone I have heard of. So are we keeping that secret for a big reveal in a later season? Why is this even called Legion? No-one calls him that. He doesn't call himself that. I think this might be the first TV show where no words from the title are uttered even once in any of the episodes.

Don't get me wrong. There were plenty of things I did like here. I would not have watched all 8 episodes if I thought it was all rubbish. When the agents were trying to pretend David was mentally ill and had no powers... that was brilliant. But I'm not in any hurry to watch a second season... this feels like a show that will always tease and confuse rather than delivering any actual stories.

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