Monday 8 February 2016

The Originals

The biggest advantage that Netflix has over TV channels and disk rental outfits is the phenomenon of binge-watching.

It's both a blessing and a curse, in some ways. When you are off sick with a cold like I was today, then it is brilliant being able to watch 8 episodes back-to-back. On the other hand, when you have to get up for work the next day, watching one more episode at 2am probably isn't as great an idea as it seems at the time...

In the few months I've been 'flixed so far, I have watched Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Gotham, House of Cards (3 seasons), Sense8, Orphan Black (2 seasons) and now The Originals (2 seasons).

I've even started calling them seasons now, in the American style, rather than series. Which is somewhat ironic given that I am watching them in my own time and not on an annual broadcast schedule.

So what is so special about The Originals that has made me want to write about it? Maybe just the timing, because I was going to write something about Netflix TV series sooner or later. But there is something else.

There are several great characters in The Orginals who all play off against each other. Ultimately though everything revolves around one character... or actually a pair of characters... Klaus and his daughter Hope.

Initially Klaus is annoyingly unreasonable. Other characters seem cleverer, more noble, and less inclined to screw things up at every turn...

But as the episodes went by I came to realise something almost uniquely noble about Klaus. He is totally driven to do anything to protect his child. Anything. He will sacrifice his short term interests, alliances and those things most beloved by those closest to him to achieve his long term goal ... to protect Hope.

He is such a tragic character. As much as I hate the things he does; his love for Hope and his unswerving devotion to her are surprisingly admirable.

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