Saturday 13 February 2016

The Homesman (2014) review

This is a bit of an odd film. It has a stellar cast, which can either mean potential classic or sad vanity project...

And somehow I think it is actually a bit of both.

I was really enjoying it, but then something happened which completely threw me. I understand that the film is based on a book - so it is hard to say where the fault lies in my disappointment... the original author, the film adaptation or myself for not understanding.


The character of Mary Bee Cuddy seemed to me to be a strong woman. Surely she must have been made of stern stuff to take on the journey and to cleverly manage Briggs into helping her.

So why did she kill herself when the job was nearly done? It seemed completely out of character and came as a huge surprise. Until then I was enjoying the film. After that I thought "have I completely missed the point of this?"

The film does seem to go off the rails at that point. Briggs just seems very inconsistent. I didn't understand the dynamic between him and the people of Iowa. And why would someone kick a gravestone into the river?

So I enjoyed the first 3/4 of the film and then just didn't get the last 1/4.

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