Monday 18 May 2015


There are 3 films squashed together here. One looks at cyber-bullying, the second at identity theft and the final one at the sexual exploitation of young people. Two characters appear in more than one time-line, but only in minor capacities, so these are actually stand-alone stories being shown in parallel.

I think the overlapping characters don't add much to the stories. In fact, if anything, they detract from it by making the connections seem contrived...

Any one of the 3 stories could have made a decent film by itself. It is a shame that the writers didn't have the confidence to tell just one of them. By trying to tie them all together as somehow linked consequences of the internet age they fail to hit the mark with any of them.

For me the cyber-bullying story was the most compelling; the other two stories just started to feel like they were in the way after a while.

Plenty of potential in Disconnect. But it doesn't deliver.

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