Thursday 16 October 2014

Revenge of the Sith

In a moment of weakness I decided to watch Revenge of the Sith again last night. The only surprise was just how angry the terrible story still makes me. Three whole prequels leading up to Anakin Skywalker turning to the Dark Side and this was all we got!


Another thing that struck me more heavily this time was just how rubbish a part Natalie Portman was given in this movie. She is a brilliant actor and can't have been happy with the weak role she got. All she does is sit/stand around waiting for Anakin, with the occasional bit of dreadful dialogue. Until the end when her previously valiant character gives birth (even though the medical droid says they are going to operate) and just about has the energy to name the twins before dying of grief. What? Come off it. Padme wouldn't just give up and leave her newborns to the perils of the Empire. She would fight like hell!

The other plot holes are well documented too, but the one that still really bugs me is why does Obi-Wan Kenobi pick up Vader's light sabre and walk off? Vader is apparently going to burn to death and has no means of escape (until the Emperor comes to get him in person) that Kenobi can see. If Kenobi loves Anakin like a brother as he claims then he would mercifully finish him off with his light sabre rather than letting him burn. If he thinks Vader is evil and has to die then he should finish him off with his light sabre to be sure... in case, I dunno, the Emperor comes to get him in person. Either way, Obi-Wan should have killed Vader.

Yes, I know he can't kill him because Vader is in EP 4, 5 and 6. I'm just saying that the plot of RotS stinks big-time.

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