Wednesday 10 September 2014

Captain America : The Winter Soldier

Firstly, I hope it isn't a spoiler to clear up my misunderstanding of the title Captain America: The Winter Soldier. If, like me, your first thought was "Why is Captain America called The Winter Soldier?" then fear not: he isn't. The Winter Soldier is another character in this film.

Secondly, I've never been a fan of Captain America, apart from as a member of the Avengers. He just never seemed very interesting... Maybe it is the whole stars-and-stripes thing, or just that his powers were a bit, well, dull.

This is a good film though. The story is fast-paced but not shallow. There are some new characters to enjoy and some old ones which get further development. Captain America himself is much more dynamic than in the first film: he runs, jumps, fights and throws his shield ... a lot. He's also got some good dialogue and plenty of decent support from The Black Widow.

I don't know a great deal about the Cap comic books. But the major players seem to be lining up in this film for a showdown in Captain America 3. I hope that film meets the high standard set by this one.

Plus there is a mid-credits teaser for Avengers: Age of Ultron where we see...

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