Sunday 16 February 2014

A Separation

Oscar winning films can be a bit hit and miss. Foreign language Oscar winners even more so.

I like to think that I always give films a fair chance. But A Separation had me glancing at the clock after 20 minutes. It was so crushingly dull. The characters are so flat and emotionless. Where is it going? I lasted until after the 1/2 hour mark and then gave up.

Maybe it gets better later on; I don't know. I don't want to sit through half a boring film to get to an interesting film. You have to give me something in the first 1/2 hour to make me want to keep watching. I don't need a lot... but something!

As I said, maybe this is a good film; but the first 1/2 hour is very boring and I didn't care to risk wasting the rest of my evening.

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