Saturday 1 February 2014

A Field In England

There are films I like, films I didn't like and films where I think "Are you taking the piss?"

A Field In England falls firmly into the latter category. It's one of those films that takes on a certain Emperor's New Clothes effect; no-one dares say it's shit, because no-one else is saying it's shit, but most people are thinking "This is really shit, isn't it?"

It is so bizarre that you start off thinking that you need to concentrate in order to not miss the subtle effects which will render it meaningful. But after about 40 minutes it dawns on you that there aren't going to be any revelations... it is just rubbish.

It is shot in black and white; which I don't have a problem with, except that the film is set hundreds of years before the invention of film so the distinction between black and white and colour seems pointless. In fact, since the film is trying to be hallucinogenic I would have thought that colour would give more opportunities for original effects.

There are random sequences where the image just flashes. The viewer is warned about this at the start. At first it seemed quite quirky, but quickly got irritating. There seemed to be no reason for it... no connection between the scenes that flashed. When I removed the disk from my player the menu screen started flashing... I thought my eyes had broken... but turning the player off and back on fixed it... I wonder if all the flashing scenes were supposed to flash or if the film did something odd to my player... I don't care enough to have another look.

I really liked Ben Wheatley's other films Kill List and Sightseers ... but, in case you are still in any doubt about what I think, this one is complete crap.

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