Saturday 18 January 2014


As a film in its own right Riddick is a fun enough sci-fi romp. Vin Diesel's archetypal anti-hero fights against everyone, makes some almost-friends and just about survives... as you expect.

So, if I hadn't already enjoyed Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick, then I would probably be quite happy with Riddick. But whereas those two films were very different, this one doesn't add anything: we briefly see Riddick not liking being "King of The Necros" (again as expected) and then we are given a film which is quite like Pitch Black, but not as good.

Afterwards I found myself imagining the scriptwriter's thought process as - Right, we need another Riddick story... OK, the fans really liked PB and quite liked TCOR so... how about Riddick gets stranded on a planet with monsters and mercs???

Argh. More imagination needed. Film fans don't know what they want; they just tell you what they liked before. This is how we end up in a cloud of sequels, remakes and reboots.

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