Saturday 14 December 2013

Alan Partridge : Alpha Papa

You know those days where everything goes wrong? It takes you 3 attempts to get your T-shirt on the right way round ... inside out, then back to front ... you've run out of tea / coffee / milk / bread. Well, I think if every day were like that then you'd end up like Alan Partridge.

Probably like many who loved the Partridge TV shows, I was a bit concerned that Alan might not translate to the big screen. But fear not; he does. Alpha Papa is a great film. All the characters are really well done and the straightforward plot is perfect for putting AP into the situations we love to see him struggling with.

This is a continuation of Alan's evolution. He's older and a bit wiser now. He sees some of his flaws and isn't quite as pompous as before.

I can't explain why this is funny. And some people wont like it. But the title sequence with Alan driving to work and singing along to the radio had me in stitches.

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