Wednesday 16 May 2018


I enjoyed some parts of Raw, but overall found it uncomfortable to watch.

Not always because it was horrific.

For instance, I hated the way that the senior students behaved toward the juniors; and that all the juniors went along with it, perpetuating the abuse for generation after generation. I was bullied at school... it is not OK, however you dress it up as "traditional" or just "a bit of fun".

Is that a French thing, or a medical student thing, or both? I wondered if medical students have to behave in such a way to cope with cutting up dead creatures and cutting into live ones. It's not something I could do.

Some parts of the story are confusing.

Are we supposed to believe that one small exposure to raw animal protein is enough to physically transform her overnight into a creature that not only likes human flesh but actively craves it... on pain of massive withdrawal?

How does her sister manage to bounce off speeding cars and recover in minutes? Repeatedly? Is that part of the transformation? Some sort of rapid recovery. I was looking to see if her finger grew back but didn't notice either way at the end.

Why did her sister make her eat the animal when she knew what would happen? Presumably she thought the flesh eating was good... but it didn't seem like she actually enjoyed it... so in a "sober" moment why didn't she spare her sister the torment?

There were good scenes where the pain and confusion were well done. And I felt sorry for the room-mate in a way. But the ending was entirely predictable apart from its utter bleakness.

All in all it failed the fast-forward test. There were plenty of times when I was bored and just wanted to FF to the end to see what happened. I didn't FF. But on reaching the end, wished I had.

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