Sunday 1 April 2018

Jessica Jones - season 2

Having watched the first season of Jessica Jones and loving it, then watching it again and loving it even more; there was always a very high probability that season 2 would not be as good.

On first view, I think it isn't as good. But not drastically so. It is very different. There is no single clear bad guy for her to battle... although Jessica is clearly still struggling with the aftermath of Kilgrave's influence.

So the battles are more subtle here. The supporting cast also have a lot more to do in season 2. Boy do they all have problems. That's what I like about this season, there is a lot going on, and Jessica often has to just deal with stuff without any support... because the people she normally falls back on are also having a hard time with their own issues.

If we thought we had seen Jessica vulnerable in season 1, then we get more of that here in season 2. In different ways, but with equal intensity. No wonder she drinks. She is such a believable down-to-earth character.

There is a long-running back story about the lawyer Jeri Hogarth. Every time she mentioned Rand I was praying "no Iron Fist, no Iron Fist, no Iron Fist" and thankfully he does not appear :-)

In fact Jessica is pretty much on her own again. You have to suspend disbelief a bit after The Defenders that she can't ask any of the others for help?

Of course "Patsy" is always there to help and we get some interesting backstory on her too... except she isn't really much help is she? Jessica just has to cope with her hero-envying friend taking any unknown substance that comes to hand which might make her stronger, faster and more reckless... again.

Overall I really enjoyed season 2. There is probably a lot I missed, as with season1, so I will definitely watch it again in a few months time.

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