Saturday 3 February 2018

Black Mirror 4

You might think that Charlie Brooker could have taken Netflix's money and just churned out more of the same Black Mirror ... but he hasn't. It is still getting better with some brilliant episodes here in series 4.

1. USS Callister

This is going to be known as "The Star Trek one" by everyone who likes to wind up Star Trek fans... sorry guys. But you should see it as a homage rather than a spoof. Although casting the bad guy as a fan might upset more. Nice unwinding of the twists as you realise what is going on.

Probably one of my favourites right off the bat.

2. Arkangel

Classic episode because the obvious question of "would a parent go that far?" has an equally obvious, but uncomfortable, answer of "yes, some would."

3. Crocodile

Mixed one. I liked the acting but it was too obvious what would happen when the insurance woman started doing her thing. Apart from the shocking length that the perp went to to hide the truth... and her eventual mistake.

4. Hang The DJ

Another candidate for favourite. I guessed some of what was happening but the ending was a surprise. Brilliant that it now seems obvious; so hiding it so well was a real triumph.

5. Metalhead

I love Maxine Peake and this was a creepy episode. Shooting in black-and-white was a good idea. The reveal about the contents of the box was cool... but somehow, for me, the lack of context killed it - why were the dogs doing that and who were the people?

6. Black Museum

Probably my favourite. Lots of tech gone wrong and a brilliant reveal at the end which had a real Tales of the Unexpected feel about it.

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