Monday 11 December 2017

Stranger Things - season 1

After I watched Stranger on Netflix (a brilliant Korean thriller, check it out) I googled around to see what other people thought of it. But I couldn't find much because all my searches for Stranger returned results for Stranger Things.

Since the tone of the reviews was almost universally positive, I thought I would give it a go.

It's quite entertaining. Mainly because of the "spot which movie they are copying now" game that you can play while watching. I mean, it starts off as ET and finishes with Carrie vs Alien. With a bunch of others in the middle.

All the same, it's joined together quite well and I enjoyed it for the most part. So as long as no-one tries to acclaim it's originality or hail it as a work of genius... then I'm happy to take it as a nice bit of fluffy entertainment.

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