Wednesday 29 November 2017

Legion - season 1 - part 1

I am half way through Legion ... which isn't on Netflix ... or TV ... so I am renting it on disc from Cinema Paradiso.

One disk = 4 episodes = half of season 1.

Yes, I am stalling. I don't know what to say about it. I don't know if I like it or not. It is weird. But good weird, or bad weird?

I'm still left guessing that the main guy (from Downton Abbey) is going to be called Legion at some point? I don't think I have heard the word uttered once yet. Which is odd. Half way through the season and the title doesn't actually mean anything, yet?

I could look it up. But then I would probably find spoilers and I would rather have some surprises / suspense to look forward to.

The atmosphere is good. There is intrigue. But the few action sequences, so far, have been a bit rubbish.

So I don't know where we are going here. Will the early promise fizzle out like a dud firework... or explode just after you though it was done?

I will watch the second disk. With some apprehension. And fingers crossed for a big finish.

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