Monday 9 November 2015

Mythica: A Quest for Heroes

Give it a chance, I thought. Partly funded by a kickstarter campaign and with a name that shouts "first of a series". This was always unlikely to be mind blowingly good.

But it is OK.

I enjoyed watching it.

There are plenty of holes that I could pick in it. The only one that I will really mention here is that the blurb says " starring Kevin Sorbo" when actually he's only in a couple of scenes near the beginning.

Apart from the misleading advertising then, the rest of the film makes good use of the resources it has available. There is limited CGI but what there is has a big impact.

The cast are OK. None of them are going to win an Oscar for this, but they haven't hobbled their careers either.

The script avoids the worst kinds of clichés and doesn't try to over explain the plot. If anything we are left in the dark a bit too much... More world building would have helped strengthen the series.

I believe there is a sequel made. And I might well watch it one day. But I don't think the basic story is original enough to hang a significant run of movies on.

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