Friday 23 January 2015

Killing Them Softly

Didn't really get into this. It failed the 2048 test...


For a while I wondered if Brad Pitt was playing the same role here as in Fight Club. He just seemed too perfect, compared to all the other characters, to be real. That and the fact that he always kills at a distance, taking the victim by surprise.

But there's no surprise at the end. The whole film is just a cynical dig at American greed. It's all a set-up for Brad's punchline: "America's not a country, it's a business. Now pay me!"

I was going to leave that as the punchline for my post too. But didn't. This is the kind of film that really annoys me. There's a decent story here that could have been told well... if the director hadn't been too eager to show off his fancy kill scenes and Brad Pitt didn't have to be the only character to not look like he'd either been dressed by his mother, or slept in a dumpster for a week.

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