Wednesday 13 September 2017

DVD Player

I've had a few DVD players and Blu-ray players. They all do odd things. 

1. Why does the player always ask me what language I speak for some disks?
The player is set up in English. Why not use English unless I go and change it? Also, it seems to be able to remember where I last watched up to if I have seen the disk before. How can it remember that and not remember the language?

It's really annoying when I pop in a disk, nip to the kitchen to get snacks, and come back expecting the ads to have finished... but the "language" menu is there instead.

2. Why do they have 2 types of menu? Menu and Pop-up Menu. At least one of these never works for any given disk. And it is impossible to guess which will work for any particular disk.

And don't even get me started on why every disk has its own style of menu... many with little icons for "play" and "setup" that mean nothing to anyone but the graphic design intern that came up with them. Galling after I selected "English" and then don't get any English words in the menu.

3. This operation is not permitted. WTF? I can't use the menu now because who says so? It's my damn player and my disk. I should be able to watch whichever bit I want at the speed I want!!!

It might seem like a good idea to "make" people watch that trailer for your new film... on a new disk. But I'm still being forced to watch trailers for films that came out years ago (many of which were shit, by the way).

Compare all this pain to the experience of watching something on Netflix... and you can see why streaming is winning. Disks will soon die out.